Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Day game 2013 at PSU 11am

We are gluttons for punishment, which is why we will drag ourselves out of the comfort of our hangover beds for the pain of an ultimate frisbee game at 11am on New Years day (this Tuesday!). We'll be playing on the turf at PSU. Bring a white shirt and a colored shirt. Be aware, if the PSU field fills up with other games, we'll be using Duniway as the backup location.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Field change this Sunday

Hey guys, we're going to change the game location to the turf field at PSU. Meet at 1pm there on Sunday instead of Duniway.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Game tomorrow at 1pm - we have a tent!

Hey all you stragglers staying in the area for Christmas, let's burn off those holiday cookies tomorrow. Meet at 1pm tomorrow at Duniway, bring a light shirt and a dark shirt. Word on the street is that Suki's Bar and Grill donated a tent for our cause so we can stay dry while we're not playing. Thanks Suki's!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pick-up Ultimate, 5:30pm Wednesday at Duniway

Guys, the sun is fleeting and the rain is coming, so get in on the Wednesday game before it's gone. We're meeting at Duniway at 5:30pm tomorrow. Bring a light shirt and a dark shirt.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/3 - Pick-up game at 5:30pm at Duniway

It's almost the end of the the weekday games, so if you haven't come out to get your ass kicked, you're due! Come play at 5:30pm at Duniway tomorrow. Bright a light shirt and a dark shirt.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer fun and Ultimate!

Come join the pick up ultimate fun.

Willamette park 6:30pm Wednesday 6/20. Remember a light and dark shirt.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cooler Sunday??!!

Last weekend was more of sauna Sunday for playing Ultimate, but still a good time.

Let's hope for a cooler one this weekend.

Come out and play pickup Ultimate @ Duniway Park on Sunday (5/20) @ 1:00pm.

Light and dark shirt needed.


Weekday Wednesday Ultimate

We are getting to that time of the year in Portland where you just want to be outside.

So, come out and play pick-up ultimate Wednesday  (5/16) @ Willamette Park @ 6pm.

Look for the people running around chasing a disc.

Remember your light and dark shirt.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pick it up! (5/13)

Let's hope for another fun filled Sunday game with great weather.

Sunday 5/13 1:00pm Duniway Park.

Remember your light and dark shirt!

Tip of the week:


Willamette Game moved from Thursday to Wednesdays..6:00pm..see you next week (5/16).

Remember your light and dark shirt!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sunday wonderful Sunday

Wow the numbers have been great..and so many new people. Nice!

So let's keep it and the fun up..

See you Sunday (5/6) 1:00pm..remember light and dark shirt...

Super Ultimate! 5/3...

Thanks to everyone's dedication for Thursday's game..although how can you  sit at home when the weather is so nice?

So come join the fun on Thursday (5/3) @ Williamette Park 6:00pm near the boat launch.

Light and dark shirt required...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Keep it up!

The more the merrier...good numbers last week. Hopefully the weather will hold and so will fun.

Come out and play @ 1:00pm on Sunday (4/22).

Remember your light and dark shirt.

Ultimately ultimate Thursday!

Join the week day fun on Ultimate Thursday (4/19) @6:00pm at Willamette Park.

We are playing near the boat launch.

Remember your dark and light shirt.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sunday Sunday

Let's hope for another spectacular day like last weekend. Ultimate is on Sunday (4/15) at 1:00pm.

Spring is finally here! Enjoy spring-play Ultimate!

Remember your light and dark shirt.

Ultimate Thursday!

Come out and join the fun at Willamette Park Thursday @ 6:00pm near the boat launch!

Light and dark shirt required,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ultimate Sunday

Great turnout despite the horrible horizontal rain last weekend. Dedicated group!

Cross fingers for drier weather!

Ultimate this Sunday @1:00pm. Remember your light and dark shirt.

Sunny Thursday?

Reminder: Ultimate at 6:00pm tonight at Willamette Park near the boat launch. Light and dark shirt required...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Super Sunday

Amazing turn-out last weekend. Thanks to everyone one coming out.

We will be playing again this Sunday at 1:00pm. Bring your light and dark shirt.

See you then

Ultimate Thursday

Don't forget to come out and play tomorrow at Willamette Park, near the boat launch. Game starts at 6:00pm. Bring your light and dark shirt!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Super Sunday

Hopefully the clouds will be worn out by Sunday...

We will be playing at 1:00pm...remember a light and dark shirt.

Thursday night special

Now that spring is FINALLY are the long days and presumably long come play Ultimate!

We will be playing at Willamette Park, next to the boat launch @ 6:00pm.

Remember light and dark shirt!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunday sunny? Sunday

Hopefully the clouds will be worn out to play D against the sun.

Remember the light and dark shirts.

Starting at 1 o'clock.

Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays

Soon we will be planning under the sun all the time. For now we will start playing on Thursday 6 o'clock and enjoy the extra light at Willamette Park (south of the boat launch).

Dark and light shirts still required. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

For those of you boycotting the nice weather last weekend-this weekend is your chance!

Come out and play in the rain at 1:00pm. Bring your light and dark shirt.

Some people are heading the Kennedy school after Ultimate today to hit the hot tubs.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Of course there is a game today

1:00 o'clock under the sunshine. Bring a light and dark shirt. See you there

Friday, February 24, 2012

Take one for the Team!

Looks like it is going to be a wet one this weekend- better chance for slides. I imagine it will be still be a blast.

Come out and enjoy the fun at 1:00pm on Sunday with your light and dark shirt!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fun Times

It should be another great game, so come out and play.

I won't be there, but there will be plenty others that will be.

Remember a light and dark shirt and come join the fun on Sunday at 1:00pm.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It ain't over..

Another fun filled day of Ultimate ahead!

Playing two fields last week was great, so most people could get more playing time in. If the numbers continue like they have been, we will probably start doing that more often.

See everyone on Sunday at 1:00. Remember light and dark shirt...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rain OR SHINE!! (12:00PM SUNDAY)

Game at 12:00pm on Sunday to accomodate Super bowl goers. Next week we will return to our normal time.

WOW ! TURNOUT WAS AMAZING LAST WEEK! Thanks to everyone who put on their trooper pants and came out to join the fun on Sunday- regardless of the weather.

Remember to bring a white and dark shirt and see you on Sunday at 12.

Spread the word and come out enjoy the weather.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Rain - Rain - go away!

Thanks to all the folks who braved the rain, mud and cold last weekend. It was a cold day for diving in the mud, but worth it.

Sounds like we will continue the cold and wet fun this weekend with the coming rain.

Remember a dark and light shirt with layers and I will see everyone Sunday at 1:00pm.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Slip'n Slide!!!

Last weekend was awesome! Nothing like ultimate in the snow!

If you thought last weekend was cold and wet, this one is definitely going to be wetter.

See everyone on Sunday at 1:00pm. Bring a light and dark layers and probably dry clothes.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow??

Great playing last weekend!

Sounds like it is going to be a cold one on Sunday!!!

Anyone up for doing drills from 1-1:30??

See everyone on Sunday at 1:00pm - Remember to bring light and dark colors!

Hot chocolate might be a plus!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Fun in the Sun?

Thanks for the great showing last weekend. Who knew what we would be playing this far into winter?

Looks the like the weather will be overcast on Sunday, with no rain- perfect for getting excercise by chasing after discs.

Hope to see everyone on Sunday at 1:00pm. Please bring a light and dark shirt.